Economic Structure

Our game economic system departs from the traditional route followed by most crypto games, where users directly receive the game's token as a reward. This typical method has led to long-term inflation and devaluation of tokens, ultimately causing many crypto games to fail.

Instead, our economic system is rooted in creating added value.

In the course of gameplay, users have access to resources and can manufacture goods in demand within the game. This model creates a scenario where new users require the products generated by experienced players, and in turn, experienced players need the raw materials collected by new users. This dynamic interplay fuels a robust economic cycle, keeping the game consistently lively and growing.

However, during the initial months following the game's launch, when this gears of this economic system has yet to fully mature, we keep this organism alive, with a standard market to stimulate the economy in the early stages.

Once the open market is introduced, the game will function under the principles of free-market dynamics and liberalism, and player's efforts will result in the generation of a consistent income and a valuable asset that's ownership is proven and tradable in blockchain technology.

To begin, players must analyze the supply and demand for each item, weigh their limited resources, ponder infrastructure upgrades, and evaluate costs and benefits to citizens to stay competitive.

In this landscape, making informed decisions becomes the key to outperforming competitors and ensuring the prosperity of the entire economy. In huralya, the choice between cooperation and competition lies at the heart of our gameplay.

Players will experience an enjoyable and strategic depth in the world of Huralya and will be engrossed in a dynamic world in a way they've never experienced before.

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