Integration With Blockchain

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin whitepaper and started the blockchain revolution. Since then, blockchain and cryptocurrencies have been increasingly used and developed. Among them is NFT technology, which has brought us proof of ownership and uniqueness of virtual facts, which is very useful for the world of games.

Blockchain technology has the potential to make the gaming industry more transparent, secure, and fair for players.

Here are some of the ways blockchain technology can improve the gaming industry:

True ownership

Blockchain technology can provide a secure and transparent way to track ownership of in-game assets. This would allow players to trade and sell their assets, and it would also give them peace of mind knowing that their assets are safe and secure.


Decentralization in gaming, enabled by blockchain technology, shifts power to the players. This allows for more democratic game development, where player feedback and ideas directly influence game updates and features. It also prevents developers from making changes that don't align with player interests, ensuring that the gaming experience evolves in a way that is responsive to the community's desires.


Blockchain technology in gaming ensures transparency, with all transactions being public and immutable. This not only deters cheating, promoting fair play, but also combats piracy by verifying game ownership. Additionally, blockchain secures digital rights and prevents tampering, maintaining the integrity of the gaming environment and fostering trust between players and developers.


Blockchain is a secure technology that can help to protect players' in-game assets from theft or fraud.

Economic System

Moreover, blockchain technology could be leveraged to establish a more equitable system for distributing game profits, ensuring that gamers are appropriately rewarded for their time and investment.


In the past couple of years, there were some blockchain games, but most had two main weaknesses which led to their failure.

  1. Most of these games were just a Ponzi scheme without any entertainment aspect, and some even had fatal problems in their token distribution and caused heavy losses to gamers and investors.

  2. Boring Games; these games lack necessary excitement causing gamers to quickly lose interest. They were like arcade titles back in the 90s. Completing the same task every time you play making it very difficult to maintain players' engagement and attachment to the game.

Also, it should be noticed that, crypto games lack user-friendliness due to blockchain complexities and upfront payments, hindering their market potential. While the combination of blockchain technology and gaming holds revolutionary potential, this opportunity has yet to gain the attention and effort required to succeed on a large scale. Crypto Game studios must focus on the attraction and excitement of games. A game without enough appeal will not last long in the system. Gamers already have many different titles to play, so once a game is boring for them, it will not be a challenge to put it down. Then they must have a vast knowledge of financial systems and cryptocurrencies.

There are many lessons to be learned from these failed projects.

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