Raw Resources

In Genesis, each resource holds a significant value, and players must carefully consider a balanced approach to their usage, storage and trade.

Importance of wood

Wood, At the top of the resources list, is the most scarce resource It can only be found from limited trees on the island and used in trade and construction. It is important to note that trees are not easily replaceable. Therefore, players must exercise precision and effective management when it comes to harvesting and utilizing these trees. Failure to do so may result in damaging the island's ecosystem, leading to more challenging circumstances for players.


In the struggle for survival, securing food and shelter becomes a top priority. To fulfill the nutritional needs of their village, players have the option to construct plant and animal farms.

Currently, there are three types of plants available: Barley, Corn and Potato.

In addition to these, players can build animal farms where they can buy and raise chickens (providing eggs and meat), sheep (providing wool and meat) and cattle (providing milk, meat and leather) from merchant.

These farms serve as sources of basic food materials, which can be further processed in the kitchen to provide sustenance. It's crucial to understand that both the main characters and the citizens require daily food and rest. Neglecting these needs can lead to a decline in their overall health.


After players completing the bridge and necessary infrastructure, they will discover the presence of a mine. Once the mine was built, citizens can be assigned to work there and extract valuable resources such as rock and iron.

These resources can then be utilized in workshops to create a variety of more usable items. For more details, refer to the in-game help.

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